Monday, December 13, 2010


What is important about the relationships in your life?
What are you willing to do to improve them?
What experiment can you create related to your Committed Way of Being?


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  5. 1. What is important about the relationships in your life?

    To me, friendship is extremely important. I'm kind of person that needs others confirmation all the time because of lacking self-confidence. I guess it is maybe I'm not strong at all in my inner heart or mentally. Around my friends, I feel secured, safe and relaxed.

    2. What are you willing to do to improve them?

    I think friendship is like a flower, it needs your concern, time and energy. You really need to put your heart into a friendship to let each other feel that they're enloved. So I'd better spend more time to listen to and hear more from my friends.

    3. What experiment can you create related to your Committed Way of Being?

    Listen to my heart. During the winter break, I got more time with myself alone and think about myself. What do I want to do and what kind of things are meaningful to me that I'd better carry other out or commit to them.

  6. To me, relationships are everything. With each passing day especially with time in CCC and so far away from home, I increasingly realize the need to value my relationships and do everything in my power to make them flourish.

    With my relationships, I am willing to keep up communication and be as open as possible about feelings because I believe these are two important ingredients for improving relationships we care about.

    This is what I have been increasingly doing with my time with CCC. I am a work in progress.

  7. As I had mentioned in the previous posts, I tried this experiments with two people. I have been able to relate with one of them . the other one does not seem to be working out well. Indirect speech seems to be the problem . I tried my best to resolve the issues but could not take it any further...As a kid I was taught the following prayer
    "God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference. "

    I do have the serenity to accept. So it doesnot bother now. I am thankful and happy for the relationships I have created. My cup is HALF FULL :) :)
